Tuesday, October 30, 2007
I Saw A UFO, & Nobody Believed Me
Posted by
Claire (ethel loves fred)
11:06 AM
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Flashback Friday - Favourite and Best Toy
Posted by
Claire (ethel loves fred)
4:51 PM
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Secret Dog's Business
Posted by
Claire (ethel loves fred)
8:24 PM
Monday, October 22, 2007
Useful Stuff
Posted by
Claire (ethel loves fred)
12:12 PM
Back to Life, Back to reality
Posted by
Claire (ethel loves fred)
11:46 AM
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Flashback Friday - Handmade
Posted by
Claire (ethel loves fred)
2:57 PM
Friday, October 12, 2007
Swapping Stuff
Posted by
Claire (ethel loves fred)
2:36 PM
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Making Stuff
Posted by
Claire (ethel loves fred)
7:01 PM
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
More Alphabet fun
Just in case you aren't sick of me yet, here's something that might tip the scales, I've been tagged again, and again by that talented minx, Ingrid! Here’s how it works:1. Players must list one fact, word, or tidbit that is somehow relevant to their life for each letter of their first or middle name.2. When you are tagged you need to write your own post containing your first or middle name game facts, word, or tidbit.3. At the end of your post choose one person for each letter of your name to tag.4. Don’t forget to leave a comment telling them that they have been tagged, and to read your blog. C = Has to be CRAFT. It nourishes me on a daily basis, keeps me feeling and looking eccentric, just the way I like it! (Wish I had another C, for COLLECTING) L = LOST - just like 'Emily' A = AFRICA - my birthplace, and a place I love I = INTUITION - I love and hate having acute intuition, sometimes, I'd rather not feel the way I do about situations/people etc. MOST of the time it's a blessing, and I should listen to it - always. R = RUDE - yup, I've got a very smutty sense of humour. E = ECCENTRIC - (refer to C,L,A,I and R). I'm tagging: Jade, Cathy and Fiona
Posted by
Claire (ethel loves fred)
11:52 AM
A is For...
Posted by
Claire (ethel loves fred)
11:17 AM
Monday, October 08, 2007
White, Plastic, Italian, 60's!
Posted by
Claire (ethel loves fred)
10:53 AM
Saturday, October 06, 2007
Flashback Friday - Nana Love
Ethel and Fred, out for a walk - my Gran preferred to be known as Jenny - must have seemed a bit more modern at the time.
Posted by
Claire (ethel loves fred)
5:26 PM
Thursday, October 04, 2007
Neighbours....Everybody Needs Good Neighbours
I just want to get something off my chest re. my neighbour's neighbour's 9 year old boy. Our neighbours to the left have 2 girls aged 4 and 9, and their neighbours to the left have 3 boys, 2 teenagers and a 9 year old called Max. (No chance they will read this, I'm friendly but very private!) Max is (or was) very close to left side neighbour's 9 year old girl, they've grown up together, but the girl has outgrown him, nonetheless, he is ALWAYS over there, playing with the littlest girl. It bothers me, because I don't want this kid playing with my Little P - I think 9 year old boys should play with, well other 9 year old boys. And here, in brief is why I think this. About a year ago he was playing with the little girl (so him aged 8, her aged 3) and he was yelling at her that she was a "stupid lesbian" she was asking him what that was, he explained, in a 8 year old boy way (that's when I first thought, note to self, Parker isn't going to play next door - when he is there). A couple of months ago, I was indulging in a little Nana Nap - and Max is playing next door, out the front of their house with littlest girl, as per. I can hear them clearly and out of the blue I hear the wheelie bin slam shut and the little girl screaming, and Max laughing his head off, I think, oh great he's put her in the bin, and he had! Then he lets her out, and consoles her, and promises if she gets back in the bin he won't close the lid, she gets back in - and bang, he shuts the lid, this is really starting to piss me off, she's so little, so I say out loud, "right that's it, I have to say something" just as I am at my front door, the little girl's Dad appears and says, "Max, don't put her in the bin please". I go back to the comfort of my bed, cross, but at least he's stopped putting her in the bloody wheelie bin. THEN the other night, neighbours to the left are having a Footy Grand Final Party, and I can hear Max playing down the side bit of our houses (shared bit down the side) with the little girl, he's yelling at her "Stop lying, it's NOT YOUR Birthday" she insists that it is, and he gets really irate, and smacks her, I don't know where he smacked, I only hear this, cause it's dark, and then he says "I'm sorry it had to come to this, but it is NOT your birthday" (what an odd thing to say). Now the little girl cried, but I don't think she 'dobbed' on him. Not sure if I should say anything to the neighbours to my left, I know that I'd want to know, but don't want to be "Nosy Beryl" as big D is prone to saying when he takes the piss out of me! There, I've shared, it's nice having a public place in which to vent/brood/sulk/showoff and or otherwise off load!
Posted by
Claire (ethel loves fred)
3:14 PM
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Chic Not Shabby (as they say on e-bay)!
Posted by
Claire (ethel loves fred)
5:23 PM
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Op Shop Tuesday
Posted by
Claire (ethel loves fred)
11:23 AM