Friday, September 18, 2009

Lemonade Award

So excited to have received this lemonade award from Eden Rose, it's always a surprise to discover people actually read my blog, I still get a thrill each time I receive a comment, or an award. I get so much joy writing and most of all, reading other peoples blogs. Indeed, the blogsphere has been, and continues to be a rich source of inspiration for me. My blog gives me the freedom to connect with people who get what I do, people who like 'to make' don't often get the chance to show off their creations in 'real life' or even to express themselves in such an open way. It's liberating in so many ways! The best part of all is realising that there are so many people who feel the same way about the journey, people who want to make a difference, and re-use and recycle, people who value love over money, and most importantly, like to share their every day lives in such an honest way! And so, I'm going to pass this award on to some sweet bloggers, whose journey's and stories I like to follow: Four Leaves Veronica Darling Blossom n Birds Marjory Jane Dorothy Bills Grandy and Baa Pass it on if you like girls! (Of course, there are so many bloggers from home and around the world who inspire me, make me laugh, and generally entertain me, see my blog list!!)


dorothybills..... said...

Thank you so much! I feel the same as you, so nice that people take the time to read my blog, and enjoy it as I do your blog also! Thank you for ALL your lovely comments! Eleesa

willywagtail said...

I just happened to stop in at dorothybills house not long after she received her award. You sure put a smile on her face! Thankyou. Cherrie

Blossomnbird said...

Oh thankyou thankyou for the award!!
I really appreciate it. And so thrilled you like reading my blog!
I have been away and so missed this earlier...What a nice treat to come home to :)