Tuesday, June 03, 2008

This is the way we.....

If you are adverse cynicism, STOP NOW!

So, this morning at Pre-school drop-off, I walked in with a couple who were carrying a baby bath, complete with all necessary bathing accoutrements, and a baby of course, all covered up in it's little car capsule, the natural question, I asked if they were going to give a demonstration on bathing a baby? They were a tad unfriendly, but replied that yes, they were - and together, how sweet. Their 5 year old pre-schooler was very excited. My 4.5 year old pre-schooler was perplexed. 'Mummy why are they bringing a baby to bath?' 'To show you how it's done' I said. It made me wonder why too. Maybe it's because my little girl isn't baby or dolly mad, perhaps if they had brought the family dog in to wash she would be really keen, but really what interest is there in bathing a baby? Why on earth would a 5 year old be remotely interested in the ins and outs of washing a baby? It was a little too self serving for me.

Am I too cynical? A smidge resentful, cause I don't have a baby to bath in front of the class? Maybe both those things.


Lark said...

Yes, this is a very good question, why demonstrate bathing a baby?! Like you are going to allow your five-year-old to bathe a baby on its own? Hmm...

CurlyPops said...

I remember someone bought a baby to bath to my kinder (in 1978 when I was 4). These days, I think it's just a little too weird!
The dog would be a much better idea.

superminx said...

I love cynicism... in fact I was just ranting that there should be more of it (or something). Anyway, boo to baby bathing. They're were just going in to show off!

Victoria said...

It's a mystery. Made all the stranger by the fact that they were a tad unfriendly when chatted to. Why wouldn't they have been excited and proud about the wonderful (if irrelevant) thing they were about to do? But you made me laugh!!

Cosy said...

Poo to the snobby parents. Their standoffishness would be off-putting.

We had a parent bathe her baby for our 5/6 year olds at school recently and I asked the teacher about it. She said there were many only-children in her class that this was a new experience for them. They were transfixed and so excited. I think even for the siblings in the class, it would be fun.

And I'm a big old cynic too, don't worry.

Drewzel said...

Maybe next week they're going to re-enact that 'Meaning of Life' sketch, where John Cleese shows the schoolroom of boys how babies are made?

In my (very limited) experience, little kids seems to be fascinated by babies, so maybe it was just another way to keep 'em amused for an hour or so.

joanne said...

I know people bring in babies for show and tell -(excited siblings and all that ) but bathing a baby is way too much for me!

Kirsty said...

All my kids had the baby bathing show & tell - it is a bit weird isn't it.

jennyflowerblue said...

Only exciting if they drop the slippery baby! Maybe as we have an ageing society next week they should bed bath an old person!

Ellie said...

I have been asked to do this to my sons prep class with our latest addition.

I keep avoiding it as I just don't feel comfortable doing it to be honest.

So it must be quite common not cynical if I hadn't been asked i would probably have asked these exact questions myself.

Bird Bath said...

Yeah...that's different. I was not aware that people did that. Can't see how that would be comfortable for the baby.

LBA said...

I was asked to do it for the older boy's kinder, but I didn't fancy having all those little snot blocks poking my wee one in winter weather.


Cathy {tinniegirl} said...

I've never heard of such a thing. I still don't get it. I think your cynicism is well placed. Besides it made me laugh which makes me happy.

Anonymous said...

we took willow to bath her at my mum's centre once, in a clear container.
the kids really loved seeing it happen, especially those without a younger sibling, and they really enjoyed seeing the way she moved in the water. its not really that much different to the little segments they have on playschool.