Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I am shell shocked by the complete devastation, and loss of so many lives from the Victorian bush fires.
My own 'worries' just seem so insignificant, they are insignificant.
I feel lucky to have the people I love still with me.
I just can not imagine.
I feel lucky to have this frangipani growing outside the front gate,
it's not 'our' tree, we didn't plant it, it's quite old, it belongs to everyone, and I hope that everyone who walks by it gets the same sense of hope and renewal that I get when I look at it.
The wonderful Curlypops has listed some links on her blog with information on all the different ways you can help - go there now if you want to help out in a handmade kind of way. I've bought one of her gorgeous bags, with a percentage of the sale price being donated to the Red Cross.


Bird Bath said...

Like you, I can not begin to understand the hardship people have been put through.The frangipani is gorgeous, here's to hope and renewal in these difficult times.

CurlyPops said...

Thanks so much Clare. We all feel so helpless but even just a little bit of help can make the world of difference.

tam said...

WoW Claire I just saw on TV tonight all the fires there-it is so terrible! I can not imagine what I would do in a situation like that. So very sad! I will be remembering these people who have experienced such great loss -they are in my thoughts and prayers!

Jade said...

I completely agree Claire. There are no words... It definitely puts everything in perspective and I feel very lucky and blessed too as my loved ones are still here. Here's to hope and renewal!

bec said...

You said exactly what I feel, I just couldn't put it into words. How's Parker's 2nd week at school been? Sibbi is exhausted, and moody, and I want to get her a 'tired and emotional' t-shirt, but she's also so grown up. She made her own sandwich today while I had a nap! Yay.

Claire (ethel loves fred) said...

Oh Bec, the changes in them are incredible, even after the first week I noticed. P is tired, a little more bossy (if that's possible) and she seems to be just 'showing off' ALL the time - What is that??

Anonymous said...

It is completely heartbreaking isnt it?
Thanks for the links. I have decided that instead of reading more news stories about it and sinking deeper into sadness I am going to focus on what little I can do to help. The links are a great start.

take care

Michelle said...

It's so great that everyone has banded together to support each other. I love that. We have the smell of the smoke down here by the beach this morning, such a horrible reminder of whats happening..It's just so devastating, the enormity of it, very hard to comprehend really....

Victoria said...

Frangipani is wonderful. It's a little thing but I hate to think of all those old people who are so deeply attatched to their gardens going back to see them all gone. It does make you (and me and all of us) appreciate EVERYTHING, doesn't it!!